Thursday, February 14, 2019

2019 League of Ireland Season                       

Hello again to all my football friends and foes in the League of Ireland Family.  I have not spoken to you for 18 months. I may not have voiced my views but I have been following the LOI assiduously.

As we have just had the “Launch” of the new season I thought it might be nice to comment on the said “Launch”......

How can you launch a League competition for 2 divisions by starting one on the 15th and the second tier of the same League on the 22nd.  Surely the 1st Division is discriminated against enough without further insult by starting it a week later. Where is the marketing for the 2 Leagues???

Is the FAI trying to keep our Leagues a secret.  This is just a further indictment of the FAI and it shows how little they think of Irish Football.  The Status quo remains we have a governing body that shows no interest in promoting a League they are running, a League where the only chance of surviving it to qualify for Europe because there is no real sponsorship or real prize money.

Every season it seems that some team gets into trouble.  We have a licensing system that is supposed to ensure that clubs are fit for purpose. How could Bray Wanderers possibly get licensed last year when even Stevie Wonder could see that a huge increase in wages and no increase in income had to fail.

I Love the “Problem Child” that is our League.  Like most problems it can only be solved if there is a will to solve them.  This desire has never been shown by the people who “Run” our League and nothing looks like changing.  But as person who loves the League and the League of Ireland fans I cannot wait for the League to start again.  It has been sadly missed by myself and my LOI family.  I know we are a niche market but that too can be promoted.  It can be turned from a negative to a positive if the will is there – unfortunately it is not.

I have to comment on the decision of the Competition Director Fran Gavin to announce plans for a competition between League Winners North and South but forgot to tell their Northern counterparts about it. If it wasn’t so crazy it would be funny.

I will be posting a weekly blog and hope you will read and comment as we go forward in the season

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