Wednesday, August 26, 2020



I haven’t written for a while, what with the Covid situation and football being played in empty
stadia.  All necessary probably, to fight this awful pandemic.  Being so far away and not
hearing what people are saying, only getting information through social media makes it
difficult to be fully aware of what's going on in the Club.

But at a minimum the handling of Vinny Perth’s sacking and the subsequent departure

of John Gill and Alan Reynolds has been shambolic.

Let me say from the outset that I am not a friend of Vinny’s, so I am not here to fight his corner,

but if someone outside the coaching team was trying to influence team selection, then Vinny

should have gone when  that happened. If that was not the case then the Board have a

right to fire the Manager and Staff whenever they want.  They also have the right to hire

whoever they want.  But we, as supporters have the right to question whether  these decisions

are right for the Club.  I don’t care who the current owners are, but I know this, they are only

minding our Club.  Dundalk nearly went out of existence in 2012, but it survived due to the

intervention of Andy Connolly and Paul Brown.

When Peak 6 took over it was  a well run Club, with good players and a top Manager.
Unlike Andy and Paul, who did it for the love of the Club, Peak 6 made an investment decision.
I said at the time that they were in it to make money for their investors.  That's perfectly ok
and a legitimate reason to take over a Club.  But when the S..T hits the fan and European
Football does not look like happening, the value of the investment decreases and the
investors depart for greener pastures.

I will say this to the Board, if you intend to cut and run, then do that.
The people of Dundalk will ensure that Dundalk FC  will survive, as they always have done.
If on the other hand you want to stay and rebuild the Club, well that would be great too, but do
not run OUR Club into the ground, do not make matters worse.
You have the right to hire and fire if you are here for the long term.  If you are not then leave now
and close the door on your way out,  Let someone else come in and refresh the squad. 

I don’t know anything about the two Italians who have just been appointed but it looks like

they are just here to steady the ship.  Whether they can do this only time will tell.. 

Maybe that's what is needed now, but I don't think so.  There are 16 players out of contract,

decisions have to be made there.  Discussions also have to be made about new recruits,

who is going to do this, not Filippo Giovagnoli and Guiseppe Rossi.  They simply do not know

the League.  It begs the question, is this what the Board wants? Was the story that they wanted

input into Team Selection true?  If that is the case we are doomed.  Many Boards of

Management have tried this, but it does not work.  If they are waiting to see if we get

European qualification that is also no reason to stay.

I have said I do not know Vinny personally but he did a great job when Stephen Kenny left. 

I do know John Gill, he was my assistant and friend for many years, and still is.  He is a

top class Coach and if he wants he will be working again in the League very soon.  I don’t

know Alan Reynolds but his work in Waterford was exceptional.  It will be some job of

work if the Board of Management can replace these three with three of equal ability.

Our Club has survived many crises and many people have came to our aid.  We have a

history of local people coming into the Club to help, not for financial gain but for the

love of Dundalk FC.  During my era some of those that come to mind include Des Casey,

Enda McGuill, Eamon Hiney, Oliver Quinn not forgetting the great local players Tommy Mac,

Barry Keogh, Dessie Gorman and many more before and since.   We have a network of

vocal and hardworking supporters, all down the years who are epitomised by the late

Harry Taaffe. Although I am a Dub, Dundalk is my Club and like everyone from the “Town”

will watch and make sure OUR CLUB  survives.