Friday, January 24, 2020

It's Been a While

Seems a long time since my last blog, that's the official title but I just call it the ramblings of an old League of Ireland Fan.

The John Delaney mess has taken up the last few months.  I am amazed at the number of people who knew so much but did not tell us about their doubts and fears at the reckless manner in which the FAI was being run.  Its amazing how brave people become when the object of their fear has gone.  i can hold my hands up and say that I had no knowledge of the inner workings of the FAI., but my gut feeling was that they were at the minimum inept and at worse corrupt, has been proven to be correct.  Where were these people when they were needed,  who have now come out bristling with indignation at the plight of the FAI and the manner in which it was run.  Why did they not step up to the plate.  People who read my column in the Sun will know where I stood on John Delaney and his fiefdom.

But where are we now? not much better I fear.  We have ex board members now trying to get back on the merry go round.  I have said this before and I repeat it,  this organisation needs to to be changed from the top down, it does not need tweaking, it needs root and branch reform.

In the last couple of weeks we have had the election of Independent Directors..  Now I don't know Roy Barrett, New Chairman of the FAI, Gerry Owens CEO, and Niall Quinn Deputy CEO., all members of Niall Quinn's Visionary Group.  I would not have the same vision for the League of Ireland as this group but I respect other peoples views and their right to have a different view.  There is no doubt that these people ALL have an interest in progressing the LOI.  Not my vision, but a vision all the same.  It is a long time since anybody in the FAI showed any evidence of having any vision for the future of Irish Football.

While we do need a vision for the future we also need some practical steps to be taken now.  Some of these  are being addressed.  Refinancing debt and securing the jobs of the people working at the coalface of Irish Football, securing new and increased funding for the sport that has the largest number of participants in Ireland.  They also face problems in house.  The manner in which they have dealt with the problems of the First Division is shocking.  First denying Limerick FC a licence, then being forced to go to court and agreeing to allow Limerick FC to apply for a licence.  Admitting Shamrock Rovers Reserves without the agreement of any of the other 1st Division Clubs was I believe, typical of the way the Competitions Department works.  It is their way or no way.  We now face the possibility of an 11 team, 20 match League, augmented by a stupid Shield Competition.  the 1st Division Clubs don't know who they are playing, or how many matches they have.  How can they budget for a season when this is the case with 3 weeks to go to the K.O.  The 1st Division is a shambles, that is the fault of the people still running our Leagues.  Unfortunately in a crisis the small man normally pays the price.  The axe falls on the ordinary worker doing his best.  Well this time I would suggest that reform be from the Top Down not the Bottom Up.

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